Monday, August 18, 2008

Part 1

So, after executing a Connect and a Select you can also use a Load statement.

You can load directly from a file, You can load from a subsequent (following next) select or load statement, but it must follow immediately after. Can load from a previously loaded (resident) table, load directly from an inline load, or load from generated data.

A quick Inline example is
Load * Inline
[CatID, Category

In the Load script it is possible to rename one or more fields.

Since QlikView puts a great deal of meaning into names (for associations) you should really learn these!

Load as: means rename a specific field in that specific statement.

Alias as : means you rename all the occurrences of those fields with the names specified.

Rename Field: Rename field XAZ0007 to Sales; (It can also use a mapping table)

Now for my oh so awesome example.

Create our favorite c:\Data.txt with notepad and type in


So now our load statement would look like this (to change StupidName to BetterName)

LOAD StupidName as BetterName
FROM C:\DATA.txt (ansi, txt, delimiter is '
', embedded labels, msq);

or using Alias (Notice the Alias comes first!)

Alias StupidName as BetterAliasName;

LOAD StupidName
FROM C:\DATA.txt (ansi, txt, delimiter is '
', embedded labels, msq);

Or using rename Field (Notice the rename goes after!)

LOAD StupidName
FROM C:\DATA.txt (ansi, txt, delimiter is '
', embedded labels, msq);

rename field StupidName to aRenamedName;

And using a mapping table (Map comes first!)

mapping load * inline [
'StupidName', 'aNewMappedName'

LOAD StupidName
FROM C:\DATA.txt (ansi, txt, delimiter is '
', embedded labels, msq);

rename fields using MyMap;

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